Modern medicine clinicians assess the rate, rhythm, volume and character of the pulse to infer about the functioning of cardiovascular system. In the ancient technique of Ayurveda, pulse examination is a tool to reveal everything about the patient’s health condition from his/ her conception to the present moment. The Ayurvedic pulse examination is the most accurate and cheapest tool for diagnosis and CERTAIN prognosis.
This is possible because the Ayurvedic physician trained by the learned teacher decodes the information in the character of the pulse. For example, a trained Ayurvedic physician can ascertain whether a child doomed to death due to a congenital heart defect is potentially savable.
Most people want a crash course on Ayurvedic pulse examination. Many institutions globally offer such courses, and they are very popular. But, can any student from these courses say with confidence that they can reveal everything accurately about the patient’s health, disease and treatment prognosis, without communicating with the patient?
Charaka, one of the principal contributors to the ancient science of Ayurveda, explains that to excel in pulse examination the Ayurvedic physician must become a true Yogi and merge into the mind of the patient. So, you become adept in pulse examination when you are a Yogi, and to become a Yogi can a crash course help?
Nevertheless, everyone who sincerely seeks the knowledge and is blessed with a learned teacher can excel in pulse examination. The student in the process of learning the science of Ayurvedic pulse examination learns about their ‘atman’.
Remember that pulse examination is the science of diagnosis and prognosis in Ayurveda. It has little to do with intuition, and nothing at all with Siddis (or powers)!