When speak about virdhuahara they say agni will be affected and they also use one more word, when you eat proper food you stimulate agni else you are trying to do harm..you also compared agni with homakunda can you repeat that word again
Agni is a vedic research unfortunartely it is translated as fire it is a very grosse and subtle aspect of agni is gone understand so this is the energy form, it symbolise life so the function of vaidhika according to vedas is to protection of yagathmi that is a social fire, so all these society is concern with that understand and vaidhya is concerned with jadaraathmi, that jadarathmi means the human body and its beginning is jadarathmi when the food comes before you when you are hungry and it tickles a pallet the smell the moment you waiting for food, some warm hot food is brought before you, the entire process of digestion starts with that, as the sensory doors open to the food that is the psychic part of digestion Ayurveda realises that thousands of year back so the place where foods are served is very very important, in a comfortable place the place where it is served, place person plate intention it is served all are important pathrasuthi jalasuthi…? … the person who is cooking the food that is very important qall these things are integral part of digestive system that will lead to perfect health.
Suvasthiya will become suvastha the food became bad is asuvastha, so when you see digestive process you are talking about agni, that is the maintance of jadaragini, that indicates entire agni throughout. What you mean by entire agni all tissues are having agni each cell is having agni, each cell each tissue cell are different bone cell is different muscle cell is different nerve cell is different mucous cell is different all are different each cell is producing agni mitochondria is place where the process is, the food particles whatever is there that is prithap into heat energy form, so that the agni process is every where not only in the stomach that is jadarathmi thaathpap? is there all the thathus will have its own agni so where the conversion DNA decides what is the structure of the protein in each place protein acquire in the eye different from the protein in persons saliva, mucous another protein mucoprotein their enzymes are proteins there are different thousand of thousands of protein are there. So what protein we take food so that will be converted into required protein molecule in the system that is done by the agni, agni means life energy, it can be everything from birth to death agni yakathasamaratchana I told you for the well being full society whole humanity whole universe……?……. ekasthu ultimate reality that is due to agni so in general culture is based on that the agni in the…?.. the agni in the house they cook food that is be taken and that agni takes you to all process of life 6 stages asthi…?…. that starts with the womb where semen and ovum are united that was the start that happen because of agni ? yes ..?..so from there it grows the fetus is formed it grows …?..asmijayathae ?.and it becomes a big fetus and it delivered a baby mothers nutrient has been transferred to the baby through the umblical cord from the placenta it is received by the baby to grow there is lots of agni is there the mothers agni is required for the baby it is send through the umblical cord and enters the system it grows the fetus is not eating it is not functioning it is supplied by the mother mothers nutrient enters the baby there that also will be sent to different parts of the system to grow then that fetus is also having agni selectively……?……the basic nutrients come from mothers it is reunited in the system that is decided by the agni yes then it is propelled few micrograms ..?..that that will develop into 3kg or 4 kg developmental growth process determined by the agni everything is agni. Agni is existence a person is alive if his body is warm, man is homeothermic wherever even if you are in polar region the atmosphere is very cool whatever the body temperatue is maintained man is homeothermic anywhere even a person is in desert or in polar region its temperature is same maintained by agni…?.. that warmth is by agni so that agni pajanam starts..?..in the kitchen is the place of health if the kitchen is bad the food will take into hospital Malayalam one statement is there adukala pizhachal asupathri if the kitchen is not proper you will be in hospital origin health is in the place of kitchen where you make food when we prepare food in the kitchen the food is proper well maintained all the health principles have been followed when you eat that the proper quantity then that will lead to health not only health your subhavam your character behavior everything will be depend on that the aharasuthi sabthasuthi ahara is proper satvika action will also satvika if it is rajasik then it will be rajasik if tamo guna then it becomes tamasic so the personality also determined by ahara. How is agni coming here agni ahara is converted into different things required for you and agni does that yes at the end agniyum subhadharaya it will take us to heaven it is an everything from cellular level at the end the eldest son set fire to the dead body kept there it has been converted into inorganic substance purified there also agni plays yes same agni from the kitchen from there the funeral fire is, agni is everything so vaithika touch the agni as whole society maintanace social world well being of the world …?..it is not individual knowledge of agni is so week that much of death happen in icu, improper food nutritionist the person who prescribes the food for ..?.. very critical patient is not properly done without the basic knowledge of agni. Bed ridden patients are dying because of the imperfect knowledge. Agni and virdhaahara both. A person having agnivanthya anything you give is virdha it is very important when the kitchen fireif not burning properly if you put anything in the food that will not be burnt it will put out the fire completely. So at the beginning we will make small small pieces cotton and small twigs you add some oil then fire will be formed very gradually same way. When you are having agnivandhya water is a medicine that will ignite ..?..In agirna improper digestion digestion is not functioning the water is the medicine that will dissolve envolved things and it will cleance so that it can burn properly if you are not having appetite take fully hot water……?……During the process of digestion water will increase ….?.. At the end of food if you take water it will acts as a toxicin because water is taken at the end of food it is in amasya in the stomach were chyme formation mechanical process chyme formation going on…. if you take lot of water if you had lot of water in the mixie grinding process will be difficult we have to add optimum level of water otherwise you cannot get that grinding process is not successful . How is water and agni linked because water is making at actually that food particles smaller and is moistened for the proper chyme formation so it enhances the digestive process but jala in the kitchen that destroy these things here jalam …?….is a very subtle part to learn this it takes 100 hours how water is in panchabootha siddhanta in the vedic way it should be learned then only you can understand Ayurveda otherwise agni means fire jala means water agasa sky everything is wrong.